Sunday 7 May 2017

This is it! The start of my publishing journey. My books are complete! I have now begun the long journey to search for a traditional publisher for my trilogy of middle grade novels(or even Book 1). Or maybe a good agent. Here at the beginning of the tough road, I am staring determinedly at lists of agents and publishers, seeing who is searching for fantasy adventure genre, and who accepts submissions of middle grade novels.

I am thrilled with my latest work, and I know that a good agent or publishing company can only help me improve further. I have sent my manuscript to one agent only at this stage. Corvisiero Literary Agency. They have a vibrant new Literary Agent called Justin Wells whose interesting profile caught my eye. He accepts middle grade and is interested in fantasy!

I know a traditional publisher would probably arrange covers and all, but to see what the books would look like, I had copies printed (just as proofing copies). It was awesome to see the books in print, but I am determined that I will not be self publishing this time.

I will admit, the way forward is daunting, but I will not be deterred and I will not accept failure. I will get my books published. However long it takes, however many changes are needed, I will work at this until I succeed. And think how much I will learn along the way.

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